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Subjectcrash after "printk serio"
I try to setup a friends notebook Fujitsu Siemens C Series Lifebook.
When the kernel is booting the last I can see is serio .... and then the
system goes off. I tried to set boot parameters like debug= ... psmouse_noext
and I guess at least most of the possible permutations regarding ps2 and
synaptics support in xconfig. Whatever I configure, the system crashes at the
same spot. I tried this since 2.6.0test1 whenever I had the chance. Now I can
do any test to help fix the bug.
Questions: What can I do to slow down the system start, so I can handcopy the
last messages.
How can I improve the possible output at the time of shutdown ?

Under 2.4.21 the system works. After using X11 I have to go via Hotkey to
suspend and the´n wakeup to be able to work again , otherwise the system is

I can provide any .config, lspci or similar list to help solve the problem.
Just nothing of the actual failure.
I am not subsribed but read at least daily.

Thanks for any help

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