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SubjectRe: Job Announcements (was Linux TCP/IP Stack Developer)
On Sat, Oct 11, 2003 at 03:16:52PM -0700, Stephen Satchell wrote:
> Bald prohibitions are easy and nasty. Prohibitions with a steer in the
> right direction are just as easy, and comes across as more of a service to
> everyone. How much better it would have been for David to have
> said something with a positive twist: "Don't do it here, do it at
>" or some such. (Assuming such a list exists --
> and if there isn't such a list is it time to start one?)

David has already made it clear that he doesn't care to manage such a list.

Why don't you go start one, if you can see so much value to it? From the
sounds of it, people would appreciate such an effort, on your part.

Please - not on any of these lists. Not for seeking employees, nor for
seeking volunteers to create mailing lists of your preference. There
are plenty of other forums available.


-- __________________________
. . _ ._ . . .__ . . ._. .__ . . . .__ | Neighbourhood Coder
|\/| |_| |_| |/ |_ |\/| | |_ | |/ |_ |
| | | | | \ | \ |__ . | | .|. |__ |__ | \ |__ | Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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