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SubjectRe: Job Announcements (was Linux TCP/IP Stack Developer)
At 11:29 PM 10/11/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>So the only way to prevent this from happening, is to forbid them to do it,
>even if some people may miss one good opportunity. There are sites for this,
>even newsgroups, so it clearly doesn't have its place here. I'm sure David
>also has a lot of other reasons for this, but I sincerely think that the ones
>I exposed here are already good justifications by themselves

Willy, I agree with almost every word. I remember what happened to UseNet
and some of the early mailing lists when they became over-run with
commercial and self-serving messages (did someone say "kibo"?) and I don't
envy David his job.

Bald prohibitions are easy and nasty. Prohibitions with a steer in the
right direction are just as easy, and comes across as more of a service to
everyone. How much better it would have been for David to have
said something with a positive twist: "Don't do it here, do it at" or some such. (Assuming such a list exists --
and if there isn't such a list is it time to start one?)

As for sites and newsgroups, though, I have to take exception to your
observation. I have yet to find one that attracts both potential employers
and potential employees and keeps its listings current. The closest I have
found to an active job list for Linux is Craig's List; sites such as are not very up-to-date in the offerings -- every time
I had tried to follow up on a listing from October 2002 to April 2003 I
was told "that job's already filled." The general-purpose jobs sites (Hot
Jobs, Dice, America's Job Bank, and others) have some Linux jobs but
usually as part of a package of jobs, not in isolation.

I'd appreciate specifics on good sites for Linux people, both from the
perspective of an employer and a job seeker.


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