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SubjectRe: Honest does not pay here ...
Paul Jakma wrote:
>It would make things clear, would help people like Andre and
>corporations like NVidia to continue to bring drivers to linux. Not a
>single person who matters (ie actual kernel contributors) has so far
>expressed any opinion (eg in the rash of GPL threads currently
>ongoing) that would indicate they are not happy with the current
>status quo as detailed in the above post by Linus.

Alan Cox (lots of stuff), Andre Hedrik (IDE), Rik van Riel
(VM) and William Lee Irwin (NUMA) are substantial contributors. I'm
not a principal author or maintainer of any kernel component, but I've
submitted a number of patches over the years that are part of the

Speaking only for myself, Linus's gnu.misc.discuss posting was
not the understanding under which I contributed. I don't know of
Linus ever claiming that others are required to also grant the
permission that Linus granted in his gnu.misc.discuss posting as a
condition of their code being integrated into the stock kernels.

If you look toward the bottom of the second web page that I
mentioned in my previous message
( ),
you'll see a statement from Alan Cox of June 7, 2001 making a similar
point. Here is a URL for the lkml message that that page quoted:

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