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Subject[OOPS] 2.4.20 PPPoE

I've had the following oops, using a monolithic 2.4.20 kernel (no
modules loaded) and pppd-2.4.1.pppoe. At the time, pppd was
exiting with "sendto returned: Network is down"; please see the
bottom of this mail for the syslog messages immediately preceding
the oops.

Would you please CC me on any discussion, as I'm not subscribed
to the list.


ksymoops 2.4.5 on i686 2.4.20. Options used
-V (default)
-K (specified)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.4.20/ (default)
-m /boot/ (specified)

No modules in ksyms, skipping objects
No ksyms, skipping lsmod
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 000000f0
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0002
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c01d32db>] Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010246
eax: c03429c8 ebx: cf1b3cc0 ecx: 00000000 edx: 00000000
esi: c50c3f14 edi: 0000001e ebp: c5acc420 esp: c50c3ed8
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process pppd (pid: 18012, stackpage=c50c3000)
Stack: c34dbea0 c50c3f14 0000001e bffffd9c 00000000 0807e638 c0229ef7 c34dbea0
c50c3f14 0000001e 00000002 00000002 00000001 bffffe48 00000000 00000018
00000000 ac4b0300 74650e90 00003068 00000000 00000000 00000000 c0127429
Call Trace: [<c0229ef7>] [<c0127429>] [<c0151997>] [<c022a834>] [<c0106bc7>]
Code: ff 8a f0 00 00 00 0f 94 c0 84 c0 74 09 52 e8 d6 db 05 00 83

>>EIP; c01d32db <pppoe_connect+eb/278> <=====

>>eax; c03429c8 <irq_stat+8/20>
>>ebx; cf1b3cc0 <END_OF_CODE+ee49d28/????>
>>esi; c50c3f14 <END_OF_CODE+4d59f7c/????>
>>ebp; c5acc420 <END_OF_CODE+5762488/????>
>>esp; c50c3ed8 <END_OF_CODE+4d59f40/????>

Trace; c0229ef7 <sys_connect+5b/78>
Trace; c0127429 <generic_file_write+541/708>
Trace; c0151997 <ext3_file_write+23/bc>
Trace; c022a834 <sys_socketcall+8c/200>
Trace; c0106bc7 <system_call+33/38>

Code; c01d32db <pppoe_connect+eb/278>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c01d32db <pppoe_connect+eb/278> <=====
0: ff 8a f0 00 00 00 decl 0xf0(%edx) <=====
Code; c01d32e1 <pppoe_connect+f1/278>
6: 0f 94 c0 sete %al
Code; c01d32e4 <pppoe_connect+f4/278>
9: 84 c0 test %al,%al
Code; c01d32e6 <pppoe_connect+f6/278>
b: 74 09 je 16 <_EIP+0x16> c01d32f1 <pppoe_connect+101/278>
Code; c01d32e8 <pppoe_connect+f8/278>
d: 52 push %edx
Code; c01d32e9 <pppoe_connect+f9/278>
e: e8 d6 db 05 00 call 5dbe9 <_EIP+0x5dbe9> c0230ec4 <netdev_finish_unregister+0/98>
Code; c01d32ee <pppoe_connect+fe/278>
13: 83 00 00 addl $0x0,(%eax)

Syslog output just before the oops:

Dec 30 07:36:18 nova pppd[18012]: Terminating on signal 15.
Dec 30 07:36:18 nova pppd[18012]: Couldn't increase MTU to 1500.
Dec 30 07:36:18 nova pppd[18012]: Couldn't increase MRU to 1500
Dec 30 07:36:18 nova pppd[18012]: Modem hangup
Dec 30 07:36:18 nova pppd[18012]: Connection terminated.
Dec 30 07:36:18 nova pppd[18012]: Connect time 11.3 minutes.
Dec 30 07:36:18 nova pppd[18012]: Sent 5602 bytes, received 4273 bytes.
Dec 30 07:36:18 nova pppd[18012]: Doing disconnect
Dec 30 07:36:18 nova pppd[18012]: sendto returned: Network is down


Many thanks,

Alexandra Walford
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