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SubjectRe: NVidia and its choice to read the GPL "differently"
This looks to me like another "don't use something because its not free"
type of thing just like with Linus using Bitkeeper. Even if Nvidia
to open source the drivers they couldn't because they have atleast 5
with third party companies! Also open source isn't for everything (don't
flame please). Its great but if a proprietary product is technically
better I will (usually) use it. The nv drivers as I understand it don't
support as much or whatever as the Nvidia drivers. I want good quality
graphics for paying a hefty price for the card. I am not going to use
drivers if they don't use the qualities. You guys should be happy Nvidia
is fricken dealing with all you "everything must be free" people. That
could be what's keeping (offtopic) Photoshop off of Linux. They
have added Linux to their driver arch. along with Windows..I think thats
an achievement. As for their GPL code in closed source..I'm not really
updated on that so I can't say to much but I believe this [1]was a case
and Nvidia fixed it. Sorry if I offended any Stallman followers but
c'mon source doesn't always produce the best products just
take a look at Bitkeeper and CVS. From my perspective BK is better.

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