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SubjectRe: Why is Nvidia given GPL'd code to use in closed source drivers?
Jon Portnoy wrote:
> You don't understand "free" in this context. You're talking about free as
> in price, we're talking about free as in freedom.
> Educate yourself, then come back and discuss freedom.

Please don't be so naive as to imply that there is no
coorelation between the freedom to download, compile, use,
and distribute source, and the freedom of not having to
pay for the source or binary.

While some enlightened few may donate a few bucks here and
there to free projects, the vast majority do not, and I do not
ever expect that to change.

For instance: I wrote a vlan module for linux once. And put up
a pay-pal donation cup. I have received two donations of 50c each
in three years. It actually amuses me that I got that much, and I
do not want anyone who reads this to even think of donating more. :)

And please don't mention the 'support model'. This may work
for a few market segments serving big businesses, but it does not
appear to work at all for end-user applications.

> On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Andrew Walrond wrote:
>>Yes but....
>>I develop computer games. The last one I did took a team of 35 people 2
>>years and cost $X million to develop.
>>Please explain how I could do this as free software, while still feeding
>>my people? Am I a bad person charging for my work?
>>Really - I want to understand so I too can join this merry band of happy
>>people giving everything away for free!
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Ben Greear <> <Ben_Greear AT>
President of Candela Technologies Inc

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