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SubjectRe: Why is Nvidia given GPL'd code to use in closed source drivers?
On 3 Jan 2003, Marco Monteiro wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 12:51, Andrew Walrond wrote:
> > Yes but....
> >
> > I develop computer games. The last one I did took a team of 35 people 2
> > years and cost $X million to develop.
> >
> > Please explain how I could do this as free software, while still feeding
> > my people? Am I a bad person charging for my work?
> No, not you. Bad is the people you work for: the code you write is not
> yours.

So since I work for myself and own my own companies, thus I own the code
and I own the decision of what is published, I am the bad person?

Thanks! Look how much I have given away, gee it is nothing.
Only 80% or more of all IDE chipsets, I personally wrote.
I am not allowed to make money to feed my family, pay from the cost of
membership to standards, pay for the cost of joining working groups for
new technology, pay for the cost of travel to the fore mentioned.

Yet you bitch and whine and hold your hand out for me to do it for free?

Well everything has a cost.

You know I still have plans to open source a version of a current product
after I make some money and recover the 18 months of development, hardware
cost, travel, trade show, future membership dues. Why, because it is the
right thing to do, and it will benefit me in the long run, and the open
source. It also will raise the bar for what people expect.

So I am bad, gee thanks.

Remember that the next time you buy a chipset that is not supported.
I will look for a check in the mail from you to pay for the support

> You still don't understand the diference between the 'free' and 'Free
> for Freedom'.

I understand that "FREE" does not pay the mortgage, pay for food, or pay
employees, or anything else. So you think GPL is welfare for the
underclass, nice.


Andre Hedrick
LAD Storage Consulting Group

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