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SubjectNFS client problem and IO blocksize


I sem to have a problem with a 2.4.20 kernel + Trond's NFS client patches
+ some of Neil Brown's server patches.

The problem seems to be restricted to NFS client functionality, though, as
it also occurs when the NFS server is a totally different platform.

The problem is that the rsize/wsize options seem to be ignored:

hal9000:/home/tennert # mount -o nfsvers=3,udp,rsize=1024,wsize=1024
ilka2000:/scr /mnt
hal9000:/home/tennert # stat /mnt/Snatch.avi
File: `/mnt/Snatch.avi'
Size: 724893696 Blocks: 1415816 IO Block: 4096 Regular File

hal9000:/home/tennert # umount /mnt
hal9000:/home/tennert # mount -o nfsvers=3,udp,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
ilka2000:/scr /mnt
hal9000:/home/tennert # stat /mnt/Snatch.avi
File: `/mnt/Snatch.avi'
Size: 724893696 Blocks: 1415816 IO Block: 4096 Regular File

hal9000:/home/tennert # umount /mnt
hal9000:/home/tennert # mount -o nfsvers=3,udp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768
ilka2000:/scr /mnt
hal9000:/home/tennert # stat /mnt/Snatch.avi
File: `/mnt/Snatch.avi'
Size: 724893696 Blocks: 1415816 IO Block: 4096 Regular File

If TCP instead of UDP is taken as transport protocol, the behaviour is
still the same, i.e. the IO blocksize of the file does not change at all!

In this case the underlying physical file system is XFS.

Beware! I don't think the NFS server is to blame, because (with different
client machines and same kernel ) I get the same behaviour when the NFS
server platform is AIX, e.g.

It also occurred (on an older installation) that if the rsizw/wsize is
taken very small, e.g. 512 or 1024 Byte, a listing of the directory fails
to show any files at all, although the mount worked well.

Could you help me any further?

Best regards


Dr. Oliver Tennert

+49 -7071 -9457-598

science + computing AG
Hagellocher Weg 71
D-72070 Tuebingen

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