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SubjectRE: reading from devices in RAW mode
I should clarify my question: I do not really mean reading RAW from
the device, but I want to read RAW like how its on this, without any
error-checking or anything.
Like the "CDROMREADRAW"-ioctl for CD-ROMs.

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Rob Wilkens []
Verzonden: zaterdag 18 januari 2003 14:22
Aan: Folkert van Heusden
Onderwerp: Re: reading from devices in RAW mode

Just an idea, but try openning "/dev/fd0" for example -as the floppy-
directly, then "lseek"ing around and reading/writing as necessary.

Same should work for ide (open /dev/hda, or /dev/hdb, etc.) or scsi
(/dev/scd0, etc.).

As per where the useful information is stored on the disk, you'll have
to study filesystem code, and there I couldn't help you.


On Sat, 2003-01-18 at 08:16, Folkert van Heusden wrote:
> Maybe I should've sticked to google (altough it wasn't to helpfull this
> time) but
> in this mailinglist there are a lot of knowledgeable people, so here's my
> question:
> for my data-recovery tool I like to read sectors from devices in RAW mode.
> found how to do that for cd-rom, but ide/scsi/floppy still leave me
> clueless.
> Anyone out there who can tell me how to do all of this? (or give me hints
> where to find information that google hides from me)
> -
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