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SubjectRe: kswapd in D uninterruptible sleep on 2.4.21-pre3-ac2
Burton Windle wrote:

>Lots of people have reported strange oops in the 2.4.21-pre3-ac* kernels,
>I wouldn't advise running them. Stick with 21-pre3 for now :)
Hmm, you may be right. I just noticed the following oops in the log.
Passing along to the list incase it's of any use.

Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000004
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0002
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c0135722>] Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010246
eax: 00000000 ebx: c18fc1b0 ecx: f6144000 edx: f614405c
esi: efeb3000 edi: 00000000 ebp: efeb3040 esp: f6145d64
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process idl (pid: 2645, stackpage=f6145000)
Stack: 00000100 c0303030 00000080 00000002 f7f9ad80 00000046 c01a411c
efeb3000 cccccccd efeb3040 c013295a f7fb3450 0000002a cccccccd
c0133cd9 f7fb3450 efeb3040 00000001 f7fb3458 f7fb3460 00000086
Call Trace: [<c01a411c>] [<c013295a>] [<c0133cd9>] [<c0134e79>]
[<c0135a10>] [<c0135ccb>] [<c020388f>] [<c012a9bc>] [<c012aac4>]
[<c013b195>] [<c012e38a>] [<c011642a>] [<f89f2bdb>] [<c01ac390>]
[<c010a48c>] [<c010a6a3>] [<c010a6c5>] [<c0116310>] [<c0108c24>]
Code: 89 58 04 89 03 89 53 04 89 59 5c 89 7b 0c ff 41 68 83 c4 1c

>>EIP; c0135722 <__free_pages_ok+282/2a0> <=====
Trace; c01a411c <ide_set_handler+5c/70>
Trace; c013295a <kmem_slab_destroy+aa/d0>
Trace; c0133cd9 <kmem_cache_reap+2b9/330>
Trace; c0134e79 <shrink_caches+19/90>
Trace; c0134f2c <try_to_free_pages_zone+3c/60>
Trace; c0135a10 <balance_classzone+60/200>
Trace; c0135ccb <__alloc_pages+11b/170>
Trace; c020388f <fast_clear_page+2f/60>
Trace; c012a9bc <do_anonymous_page+3c/110>
Trace; c012aac4 <do_no_page+34/1f0>
Trace; c012ace2 <handle_mm_fault+62/d0>
Trace; c013b195 <bounce_end_io_write+85/c0>
Trace; c012e38a <generic_file_read+7a/110>
Trace; c011642a <do_page_fault+11a/41b>
Trace; f89f2bdb <[nfs]nfs_file_read+8b/a0>
Trace; c01ac390 <write_intr+0/1a0>
Trace; c013d20e <sys_read+fe/110>
Trace; c010a48c <handle_IRQ_event+5c/90>
Trace; c010a6a3 <do_IRQ+a3/f0>
Trace; c010a6c5 <do_IRQ+c5/f0>
Trace; c0116310 <do_page_fault+0/41b>
Trace; c0108c24 <error_code+34/3c>
Code; c0135722 <__free_pages_ok+282/2a0>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c0135722 <__free_pages_ok+282/2a0> <=====
0: 89 58 04 mov %ebx,0x4(%eax) <=====
Code; c0135725 <__free_pages_ok+285/2a0>
3: 89 03 mov %eax,(%ebx)
Code; c0135727 <__free_pages_ok+287/2a0>
5: 89 53 04 mov %edx,0x4(%ebx)
Code; c013572a <__free_pages_ok+28a/2a0>
8: 89 59 5c mov %ebx,0x5c(%ecx)
Code; c013572d <__free_pages_ok+28d/2a0>
b: 89 7b 0c mov %edi,0xc(%ebx)
Code; c0135730 <__free_pages_ok+290/2a0>
e: ff 41 68 incl 0x68(%ecx)
Code; c0135733 <__free_pages_ok+293/2a0>
11: 83 c4 1c add $0x1c,%esp

# lsmod
Module Size Used by Not tainted
nfs 78364 3 (autoclean)
nfsd 78144 8 (autoclean)
lockd 57376 1 (autoclean) [nfs nfsd]
sunrpc 82356 1 (autoclean) [nfs nfsd lockd]
autofs 11972 5 (autoclean)
w83781d 22560 0 (unused)
i2c-proc 8512 0 [w83781d]
i2c-amd756 4996 0 (unused)
i2c-core 22568 0 [w83781d i2c-proc i2c-amd756]
3c59x 30856 1
st 31028 0 (unused)
md 52800 0 (unused)
ext3 70208 4
jbd 51968 4 [ext3]
sym53c8xx 74392 2
sd_mod 13244 4
scsi_mod 122544 3 [st sym53c8xx sd_mod]

# uname -a
Linux moli 2.4.21-pre3-ac2 #2 SMP Thu Jan 9 13:07:18 MST 2003 i686 unknown

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