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SubjectRe: any brand recomendation for a linux laptop ?
Not the cheapest, but certainly one of the best is the IBM Thinkpad

I've got an A20p, A21p and A31p and have got all hardware on those
models working nicely; ACPI/Power management being the only problem
area, although I'm happy with my setup.

And if you want a good used a21p, let me know ;)

Andrew Walrond

jw schultz wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 11:00:45AM +0100, Nicolas Turro wrote:
>>Hash: SHA1
>>I am software engineer at a french research institute, in charge of the linux
>>support on about 600 computers. I am looking for laptops whith linux
>>support/certification. I couln't find any recent laptop model on your
>>certification page. Would you recomend me any brand of computer ?
>>We curently buy Compaq Evos laptops, but enabling linux on those laptops
>>is terrible :
>>- - power management seems to be ACPI only (which linux barely supports)
>>- - sound is hard or impossible to setup correctly.
>>Any help/advice would be apreciated.
> You will get almost as many different answers as responses
> to this question. Frankly, given the way things are i'm not
> sure it is safe to recommend any brand per se. For a given
> brand the hardware will be different in each model and may
> even differ between production runs of the same model.
> I've been happy with my Sony Vaio F160 but some people have
> reported problems with the F series. Most major brands have
> at least one model that has caused problems. Dell and
> Compaq are notorious and yet there are many people have
> gotten them to work.
> The best thing i can recommend is to go to
>, Read the HOWTOs, and
> finally find some models you like and check to see how
> others have fared with them.
> Alternatively you could buy a laptop with linux already
> installed. Unfortunately that is often more expensive than
> buying one with MS-flavor-of-the-month installed and
> reformatting.

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