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SubjectRe: any brand recomendation for a linux laptop ?

I just recently purchased one of the 5600 series, and have
had no issues with it. You don't have to pay the Microsoft
tax, and it mostly just plain worked out of the box. The
only challenges were finding drivers for the softmodem (which
works fine once I got the drivers) so that I don't have
to occupy the single PCMCIA slot with a modem, and getting
accelerated X - I'm using closed source drivers from ATI
for the Radeon 9000 chipset, at least until the Radeon
work in the kernel (and in XFree86) catches up. X worked
fine with just the default vesa driver for most purposes,
but DVD playback and other video intensive things was
far from ideal. The only thing I would have even changed
in the design of the box is to put at least one external
serial port on, because I use it frequently as a terminal,
but I got a USB to serial adapter for $20 that fixed that
quite readily...


| Tim Walberg | |
| 830 Carriage Dr. | |
| Algonquin, IL 60102 | |
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