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Subject[BENCHMARK] ctxbench 2.5.58 compared to recent and 2.4.20
The general trend of this IPC benchmark is downward. I'm going to try 
adding prempt to see what that brings. I'm having a bit of problem with
networking in 5[78], I want to resolve that first.

Two processes, passing a token back and forth uning various IPC methods.

Results by IPC type

SIGUSR1 low high average avg/MHz
2.4.20.out 47304 47514 47424 136.083
2.5.52.out 40961 41699 41290 118.517
2.5.53.out 40567 41995 41434 118.926
2.5.54.out 39573 39699 39647 113.785
2.5.55.out 32949 36951 35385 101.574
2.5.56.out 36875 36933 36909 105.932
2.5.57.out 40728 40777 40745 116.944
2.5.58.out 37114 37157 37129 106.562

message queue low high average avg/MHz
2.4.20.out 75206 83700 80822 231.920
2.5.52.out 78427 79163 78675 225.823
2.5.53.out 75709 75848 75759 217.448
2.5.54.out 74131 75390 74969 215.156
2.5.55.out 71276 71418 71361 204.842
2.5.56.out 68177 71334 70228 201.557
2.5.57.out 77646 77912 77809 223.320
2.5.58.out 75526 77816 76481 219.504

pipes low high average avg/MHz
2.4.20.out 87640 88381 87889 252.198
2.5.52.out 77020 77586 77365 222.061
2.5.53.out 67799 68893 68310 196.065
2.5.54.out 70445 70572 70489 202.297
2.5.55.out 73521 73758 73637 211.375
2.5.56.out 66728 71280 69736 200.145
2.5.57.out 65323 74089 70839 203.315
2.5.58.out 70613 72484 71370 204.837

semiphore low high average avg/MHz
2.4.20.out 92052 92569 92307 264.876
2.5.52.out 84367 84639 84516 242.589
2.5.53.out 77355 77724 77540 222.560
2.5.54.out 77304 77521 77379 222.072
2.5.55.out 75619 76906 76456 219.467
2.5.56.out 77120 77358 77245 221.697
2.5.57.out 80238 81108 80777 231.838
2.5.58.out 81754 83169 82280 236.148

spin+yield low high average avg/MHz
2.4.20.out 211801 211957 211855 607.921
2.5.52.out 219279 219658 219470 629.947
2.5.53.out 180547 180625 180584 518.319
2.5.54.out 160157 178830 172598 495.341
2.5.55.out 175182 175957 175603 504.065
2.5.56.out 172703 173159 172973 496.440
2.5.57.out 179346 179889 179579 515.410
2.5.58.out 178850 179044 178941 513.568

spinlock low high average avg/MHz
2.4.20.out 4 4 4 0.014
2.5.52.out 3 3 3 0.009
2.5.53.out 3 3 3 0.009
2.5.54.out 3 3 3 0.009
2.5.55.out 3 3 3 0.009
2.5.56.out 3 3 3 0.009
2.5.57.out 3 3 3 0.009
2.5.58.out 3 3 3 0.009

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