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SubjectRe: 48GB NUMA-Q boots, with major IO-APIC hassles
>(3) setup_ioapic_ids_from_mpc() panic()'s.
>-- the clustered_apic_mode check and/or its current equivalent
>-- no longer suffices with 16 IO-APIC's. Turn off all the
>-- renumbering logic and hardcode the numbers to alternate
>-- between 13 and 14, where they belong.
>-- The real issue here is that the phys_id_present_map is not
>-- properly per- APIC bus. The physid's of IO-APIC's are
>-- irrelevant from the standpoint of the rest of the kernel,
>-- but are inexplicably used to identify them throughout the
>-- rest of arch/i386/ when physids are nothing resembling
>-- unique identifiers in multiple APIC bus systems. This

I also have a problem with setup_ioapic_ids_from_mpc(). I opt for 0xFF as
max io_apic phys_id (and leave it alone!), because even though we have fewer
IO-APICs than that, I'd like to keep the actual numbers from MP table or
ACPI, because all APIC and IO-APIC id's on ES7000 are 8 bit, unique, and
meaningful (used as a bitmaps) when I have to implement CPU, PCI hot plug
and dynamic partitioning (I hate to think of possible confusing tables and
dependencies I will have to maintain otherwise...).

Could this routine be made with alternative architecturally private path (as
a hook or with a hook inside)?


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