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SubjectRe: Nvidia and its choice to read the GPL "differently"
On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 02:09, David Schwartz wrote:
> No, I've never used vxWorks, I just understand the difference

For reference, they're looking at replacing PowerMAX with Linux in the
vxWorks suite.. They're calling it RedHawk Linunx. See the article
from Steve Brosky (my former manager) over here at :

Download the full pdf if you're interested.. All of their systems are
"Hawk" systems.. PowerHawk, NightHawk, MediaHawk.. This is a play on the
RedHat name because it's based on RedHat, so they call it RedHawk.

What's cool about this is that even though I quit there for mental
health reasons, if I decided to become an active contributor for linux,
I could sort of become a volunteer employee. (I'm still not sure how
much of my time I want to spend in kernel work. I'm also learning
OpenGL, and orderred a book on Brain Theory and Neural Netowrks which
will probably occupy a good chunk of my time in the coming months. All
of these require different types of thinking and work on the computer,
so I may not waste much time in the kernel "reinventing the wheel" as it


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