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SubjectRe: any chance of 2.6.0-test*?

On 12 Jan 2003, Rob Wilkens wrote:
> [...] Now, of those 5% (of 0.25% of 0.5%), I'm probably getting
> 5-10 people reacting negatively (the rest are neutral reactions or no
> reactions), [...]

You don't think people might be silent because they think everything
relevant was said by those 5-10 people?

Please do assume long-time kernel hackers *know* what they do. Asking
of course is OK, but please do not consider anything they do plain
wrong just because you don't understand after some seconds of thinking.
If you imply they're too dumb to do their job, you *will* get negative
reactions, like it or not.

If you think there's not enough documentation, try the web (including
the mailing list archive) or some kernel hacking books. If some things
are *not* documented at all (that is, you don't find the proper
documentation), ask and write some documentation yourself or ask
yourself were to get a grip on techniques your not familiar with.



The sequence is important. People just learning to pee sometimes
put the steps in the wrong order, with frustrating results.
Maybe a checklist would be useful to those just starting out.
-- Brien K. Meehan; Msg-ID <>
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