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SubjectRe: any chance of 2.6.0-test*?
On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 20:51, Nuno Monteiro wrote:
> You dont realistically expect to learn how to program reading
> Documentation/CodingStyle, do you? CodingStyle merely serves as general

No, but I would expect rules of kernel coding to be in there. For
example, we were talking about using return mid-function. I always
considerred that perfectly OK. Others were saying that's a no-no. If
it's a no-no, it should be documented. That is, if it's a no-no. That
may be a situational thing though.

> See things from this end -- when 99% of the people tell you you're wrong,
> consider the possibility you are _actually_ wrong, and not the other way
> around.

99% of the people are running a microsoft based OS (It has 95% of the
market in terms of sales, but factor in pirated copies and your figure
will get close), of the 0.5% running linux, 0.025% of them are probably
subscribed to this mailing list. Of that, probably 5% read it
regularly. Now, of those 5% (of 0.25% of 0.5%), I'm probably getting
5-10 people reacting negatively (the rest are neutral reactions or no
reactions), and claiming to speak (in a rather -- shall we say --
arrogant and self-important manor) for the list as a whole.

> Now, off to ~/.killfile you go.

Yeah, yeah, should've done it before..


p.s. Yes, all statistics are made up on the spot for comical purposes
only and are only half-way intended to represent the real world. p.p.s.
given those percentages, 5-10 people may be a lot percentagewise, I
don't know, I haven't done the math.

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