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SubjectRe: 2.4.19 -- ac97_codec failure ALi 5451
Final status report

The trident driver in 2.4.20 is now working on the vpr matrix 200a5 laptop with an
ALi5451 PCI soundcard. Remaining issues:

* It consistently fails to work with the aRts server under KDE. I get "Sound server
fatal error. CPU overload: aborting" and then ""artsmessage: unix_connect: can't
connect to server."
* The headphone jack is dead -- this is the greatest functional loss. The
microphone jack is working; I'm unsure about the quality.
* It's slightly erratic for some reason -- I haven't found a pattern to it. The
codec itself is very occasionally detected as AC97 Modem codec, id: ADS114, or as
AC97 Audio codec, id: ADA68.

I discovered I could use mp3blaster to increase the volume by pressing t for mixer
and chosing PCM; this is then available in X also. I assume there's some more
elegant way to do this -- some audio control tool? Software volume control in xmms
works when I use the OSS driver.


Quoting Alan Cox <>:

> > I've downloaded the latest driver and am running 2.4.20 (yea!) -- the
> trident.c here
> > is actually more recent than 2.5.55. It now loads fast and with no protest
> from
> > ac97_codec, which has a new ID (ADS114). However, there's still not a peep
> (I try
> > cat test.mp3 > /dev/dsp) -- and when KDE Control Center tries to restart
> the arts
> > sound server, it alarmingly fails on "CPU overload" or just freezes the
> whole
> > system. Is there anything I can do to get more information about what is
> not
> > happening?
> No but the info is very useful. The key change involving ac97 is that the
> new code in 2.4.x waits much longer for the codec reset to finish. I'm not
> sure where the audio has gone however 8(

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