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Subjectrestructuring of filesystems config menu

i've attached a gzipped patch against 2.5.56 for reorganizing
the filesystem menu under "make xconfig", and i'm certainly
open to feedback/comments/criticism/large sums of money.

some points about this patch:

1) if anyone wants to carefully check the dependencies and
make sure they're correct, that would be nice.

2) perhaps making sure the dependencies match the claims
in the help screens would be helpful. i noticed that
the help screens sometimes make dependency claims that
are wildly untrue, but i didn't want to mess with that
stuff yet as i wasn't totally comfortable.

3) much to my delight, i found out by accident that i can
add leading asterisks to menu and config lines with no
effect on the eventual config step -- this makes it
wonderfully easy to edit and reorganize using emacs
outline mode, particularly showing subdependencies.

is this just a fluke? obviously, it's easy enough to
strip out the leading asterisks in the final version,
but if they're not doing any harm, i'd just as soon
leave them in.


[unhandled content-type:application/x-gzip]
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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:32    [W:0.038 / U:0.360 seconds]
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