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SubjectRe: inefficient RT vs efficient non-RT
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 02:58:44 EST, Mark Mielke said:
> Think about it logically -- if I can process 5X as much data as you can on
> the same hardware, but I can't guarantee that *at* 5X no data will be lost,
> but then, I only run at 1X (the same speed as you), how many packets have
> a chance of being lost?

The question is, of course, whether you're willing to bet the entire
chemical plant on the chances of a packet being lost.

There's a difference between "if the core temperature hits 350
degrees, the pump WILL go on in 13 milliseconds" and "if the core temp
hits 350 degrees, the pump will have a 98% chance of going on sometime
between 13 and 17.5 milliseconds..."

Valdis Kletnieks
Computer Systems Senior Engineer
Virginia Tech

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