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SubjectRe: RT - who cares.. (Off Topic)
On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 10:05, Rob Wilkens wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 03:28, Mark Mielke wrote:
> > be quite a bit more sophisticated than VxWorks. The reason for making
> > the point is that a guy jumped on linux-devel saying that anybody can
> > write a kernel, and he knows, because he has contributed to
> > VxWorks. He then went on to say that he has personally submitted
> > several dozen patches to VxWorks.

By the way, I neve never said "I can write a kerenl, and I know, because
I contributed to VxWorks".. Dig back around and you'll find my exact
quote. We're off-topic, so let's try to drop this. I referred to an
earlier period in life when I had read two books relating to O.S.
development which probably aren't even in stores anymore because who
would buy a book on reinventing the wheel. I only referred to my
limitted professional experience to show that I have professional
experience where I was paid to work on a professional kernel, back
around 1996-1998, when I was doing that, I don't think you could've said
that Linux was a comparable system in terms of capabilities or speed --
it's grown over time to become what it is today.

In fact, someone else looked up my background when I happenend to have
mentioned that my first gig out of college was working on OS development
for a small company in florida (the job was handed to me by my linux
kernel hacking class professor, basically -- he asked if I was
interested in moving to ft. lauderdale and gave me a busines card, I
called, went down for an interview, and took the job). I never claimed
it was a _good_ os that I worked on, nor did I claim it was a good
company. I'm not claiming the opposite either. With the right staff,
any company has potential, and they hired 10 people last year for their
linux efforts (to hire anyone in this economy says something).


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