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SubjectRe: Nvidia and its choice to read the GPL "differently"
No offense,  but if you're not here to discuss
kernel development issues, you are off-topic,
and ought to find a more suitable forum for
your messages -

Best Regards,


Rob Wilkens wrote:

>On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 22:16, John Adams wrote:
>>On Friday 10 January 2003 09:58 pm, Rob Wilkens wrote:
>>>Of all the things that computer software programmers do, writing
>>>operating systems is among the most simplistic of those tasks.
>>I think we have an under-bridge dweller.
>No, simply a person who has worked in all areas of computing
>Resume in brief:
>B.S. in Computer Science may 1996, Clemson University
>May 1996-April 1998 - Senior Engineer (Operating Systems - Real Time
>Division) - Concurrent Computer Coporation. -- Original Title was Lead
>Software Engineer -- in my short timespan there, I received a 25% raise
>and a new title, and that still wasn't enough to keep me there.
>April 1998-Present - Software Developer (Contract work, can't discuss,
>but it's in Delphi, I'm happy to report that one reason I'm moving to
>Linux more is that Borland is doing a better job with Kylix, it's Linux
>version of Delphi).
>June 1998-May 2001 - LAN Administrator - New York State Courts ..
>May 2001-June/July 2001 - Senior Enigneer - Geo-Centers. I only worked
>for two months until I became disabled with my illness. I was working
>here on a Beowulf cluster (Linux, redhat 6.2), I was the only one there
>responsible for administration (web, cvs, that kind of thing), and
>programming (developed several simulation apps, using GTK, C, TCP/IP
>sockets, etc.).
>Short career history, but I'm young.
>Now, thanks to my illness, I'm not working.. So I've got free time.
>Pardon me if my viewpoint differs form other religious linux zealots on
>the list, or some of the holier than thou kernel developers.
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