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SubjectRe: Nvidia and its choice to read the GPL "differently"
On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 22:48, Hans Sgier wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Rob Wilkens wrote:
> > No, simply a person who has worked in all areas of computing
> > technology..
> >
> > Resume in brief:
> Now, would J.R.R.Tolkien have ever considered to get the resume of a
> troll written down?

Probably, I have Lord of the rings sitting atop my monitor (and no, I
don't own many books, and I haven't read this one) and it seems pretty
thick. There are probably many unimportant details in the book (much
like the resume would be an unimportant detail of such a troll as
myself), judging from the horrible movies that I've seen so far, both
movies were basically filled with long drawn out battle scenes when the
simple story line is that "everyone wants the ring that makes them
invisible, but it's a bad ring because it makes you do bad things".

> Is there any chance that ridiculous thread is coming to an end?

I received a private e-mail saying that not even RMS considers the
kernel to be gnu. I would've argued that it containing the GPL was
enough for it to be considered Gnu, but then, I guess it's not really.
I don't know enough, so I'm dropping it.

> Greets

Best wishes... And I understand if more than half the list has plonked
me silently by now.


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