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SubjectRe: Nvidia and its choice to read the GPL "differently"
On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 21:41, Larry McVoy wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 09:38:38PM -0500, Rob Wilkens wrote:
> > I'm not interested in getting into a pissing contest with linux
> > torvalds, even he claims he doesn't have leadership skills
> Bob Young says he doesn't know anything about technology, so does
> Scott McNealy. Lots of really smart and skilled people deny their
> own skills. That doesn't mean you should believe them. They are
> making an effort to make you feel good. Don't take it too literally.

Bob Young and Scott McNealy are managers, they know marketting and
business, not technology.

Linux Torvalds knows "some" technology, and he's proud not to, for
example, know anything about what goes on in user land.

He actually claimed in his biography that "apache" was a distribution of
linux that is commonly used as a web server, apparently not knowing that
apache is a cross platform web server that runs on multiple platforms.

Anyway... To back up his comment of no leadership skills, he readily
points out in the book that he quickly was promoted then again demoted
at transmeta when he became (briefly) a team leader. He just didn't
have what it took to be a leader, no leadership qualities or skills
whatsoever. He's proud of that.

I'm glad to work with a guy like that, though, because it also means his
ego ain't so high. I'm more likely to contribute kernel code or
suggestions freely back and forth with a person like that. Whereas if
he were on a high horse, I'd say "whoa, there, bud, why should I give my
changes to you again?"... That may be in part why he takes the attitude
he has though..

Of course, I don't 'really' know him. I've only read about him.. I'm
new to this list, if it's not obvious.


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