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Subject[OT] Noise on lkml (was Re: Nvidia and its choice to read the GPL "differently")
Rob Wilkens wrote:

>I'd say terribly presumptuous, but I don't think it is presumptuous to
>say that if there are many patches (bug fixes, mostly) coming in that
>the code that was originally there was of questionable quality.

Your statements are at once so arrogant, yet
so ignorant, it's hard to know where to even
begin - but you are quite mistaken on several
fronts; each new message from you reveals an
unbridgeable gulf, of which you do not even
seem aware.

I won't even begin to put together a point by
point correction, it's all too tedious, and it's
possible that you are here just to annoy and
wear down the developers anyway -

Please start sending in patches or discussing
kernel code, or even doing testing - if not, you
might wish to seek out a different forum for
your messages, where you might find a more
receptive audience - I'll refrain from making
specific suggestions at this time.

Best Regards,


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