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Subject2.3.39 LLC on Alpha broken?

> I'll try to reboot the remaining mess and report how far it gets...

It looks like LLC is the culprit for me:

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 0000000000000000
swapper(1): Oops 0
pc = [<fffffc00009d094c>] ra = [<fffffc00009c8c8c>] ps = 0000 Not
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf64-alpha -a alpha
v0 = 0000000000000000 t0 = fffffc0000b73190 t1 = 0000000000000001
t2 = 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a t3 = 0000000000000000 t4 = fffffc00001bef08
t5 = fffffc00001bef0d t6 = fffffc000000afe8 t7 = fffffc00002a0000
s0 = 0000000000000000 s1 = 00000000000000aa s2 = fffffc000095fa40
s3 = fffffc000106fcf8 s4 = fffffc0000802000 s5 = fffffc0000e1fa80
s6 = fffffc0000810000
a0 = 00000000000000aa a1 = fffffc000095fa40 a2 = 00000000000041ed
a3 = 0000000000000000 a4 = 0000000000000000 a5 = fffffc0000a7f790
t8 = 0000000000000004 t9 = fffffc0001049368 t10= 0000000000004000
t11= 0000000000008000 pv = fffffc00009d0920 at = 0000000000000000
gp = fffffc0000af72f8 sp = fffffc00002a3e60
Trace:fffffc00009c8c8c fffffc0000810148 fffffc0000810828 fffffc00008322f8
00008100a4 fffffc0000810120 fffffc0000810810
Code: 47ff0409 a0280068 20210100 b0280068 a43d5c78 a4810040
<a4440000> a3e2

>>RA; fffffc00009c8c8c <llc_sap_open+2c/c0>

>>PC; fffffc00009d094c <llc_sap_find+2c/100> <=====

Trace; fffffc00009c8c8c <llc_sap_open+2c/c0>
Trace; fffffc0000810148 <init+28/240>
Trace; fffffc0000810828 <kernel_thread+28/90>
Trace; fffffc00008322f8 <printk+218/280>
Trace; fffffc00008100a4 <rest_init+24/60>
Trace; fffffc0000810120 <init+0/240>
Trace; fffffc0000810810 <kernel_thread+10/90>

Code; fffffc00009d0934 <llc_sap_find+14/100>
0000000000000000 <_PC>:
Code; fffffc00009d0934 <llc_sap_find+14/100>
0: 09 04 ff 47 clr s0
Code; fffffc00009d0938 <llc_sap_find+18/100>
4: 68 00 28 a0 ldl t0,104(t7)
Code; fffffc00009d093c <llc_sap_find+1c/100>
8: 00 01 21 20 lda t0,256(t0)
Code; fffffc00009d0940 <llc_sap_find+20/100>
c: 68 00 28 b0 stl t0,104(t7)
Code; fffffc00009d0944 <llc_sap_find+24/100>
10: 78 5c 3d a4 ldq t0,23672(gp)
Code; fffffc00009d0948 <llc_sap_find+28/100>
14: 40 00 81 a4 ldq t3,64(t0)
Code; fffffc00009d094c <llc_sap_find+2c/100> <=====
18: 00 00 44 a4 ldq t1,0(t3) <=====
Code; fffffc00009d0950 <llc_sap_find+30/100>
1c: 00 00 e2 a3 ldl zero,0(t1)

Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

I'll rebuild without LLC and test again...


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