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Subject2.5.39 oops
I am having a 2.5.39 oops on boot up.  Here is what I have been able to gleen from the bootstrap screen:

printing eip:
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0002

CPU: 1
EIP: 0060:[<c0218f17>] Not tainted
EFLAGS: 00010282
EIP is at attach+0x63/0xb8
eax: c13a409c ebx: c03e4650 ecx: 00000000 edx: c03f0b68
esi: c13a4084 edi: c03e4650 ebp: 00000000 esp: c13dff84
ds: 0068 es: 0068 ss 0068
Process swapper (pid: 1, threadinfo=c13de000 task=c13e0080)
Stack: 00000000 c13a408c c0219027 c13a4084 c13a4084 c02193ab c13a4084 c13a4084
c128aa4c c03f09c0 c128aa0c 00000001 c0416cb0 c13a4084 c04234e0 00000000
00000000 00000000 c128aa4c 00000000 c0402866 c13de000 c040288c c0105101
Call Trace:

Code: 89 01 81 3d 54 46 3e c0 ad de 74 0b 0f 0b 4a 00 a0 50

I'm attaching my kernel config (file called config)
I'm also attaching a boot log from my 2.4.19 boot so you can see my system setup. (file called x)

Please let me know if you need any more information.


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