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SubjectRe: actiontec PCI call waiting modem not responding with kernels 2.4.7+, 2.4.6 is ok though..
On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 09:21:49AM -0400, Dana Lacoste wrote:
> Another confirmed "working" report.
> If you're using devfs it's easy to tell if it's tts/4 or tts/2 or
> whatever, but assuming you're not using setserial and you're using
> the right ttyS it works fine (using the actiontec and IBM versions
> of the same card, based on the lucent venus chipset, with
> 2.4.everything)

That makes for 4 working reports to 2 non-working. Apparently, these 2
people are having a true hardware issue, not merely a configuration

Can you tell me how old your modem is? (i.e., about how long ago you
bought it?) My theory is that actiontec made a new revision of the
modem that has sacrificed pure 16550 UART emulation in order to expose
more of the call-waiting feature to the computer.

Additionally, even my modem occasionally ceases to work, requiring a
reboot. When this happens, dmesg contains the message "LSR safety check

Here's to getting this figured out!
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