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SubjectRe: RFC: turn scatterlist into a linked list, eliminate bio_vec
[Sorry for the duplication, Dave.  I accidentally sent a reply to you only.]

> 1. It would help to document if pci_pool_alloc(pool,SLAB_KERNEL,&dma)
> can ever return failure (as opposed to blocking forever). That would
> effect whether certain error legs have to be written in a device
> driver.
>Because a SLAB_KERNEL allocation can fail, thus can a pci_pool_alloc
>allocation. These rules have everything to do with what SLAB_KERNEL
>means and there is nothing special about the fact that this flag is
>being passed to pci_pool_alloc instead of kmalloc or similar.

Then we should mempool_alloc instead, which, according
to Jens Axboe never fails with GFP_KERNEL:

|> = Adam Richter
| = Jens Axboe

|> Even so, if __GFP_WAIT never fails, then it can deadlock (for
|> example, some other device driver has a memory leak). Under a
|> scheme like bio_chain (provided that it is changed not to call a
|> memory allocator that can deadlock), the only way you deadlock is
|> if there really is deadlock bug in the lower layers that process
|> the underlying request.
|This whole dead lock debate has been done to death before, I suggest you
|find the mempool discussions in the lkml archives from the earlier 2.5
|series. Basically we maintain deadlock free allocation although we never
|fail allocs by saying that a single bio allocation is short lived (or
|at least not held indefinetely). That plus a reserve of XX bios makes
|sure that someone will always return a bio to the pool sooner or later
|and at least the get_from_pool alloc above will succeed sooner or later
|even if vm pressure is ridicilous.

> 2. It sure would be nice if there were a couple of ifdef symbols
> that controlled the expansion DECLARE_PCI_UNMAP_{ADDR,LEN}, so
> that default usual implementations could be put in <linux/pci.h>,
> and so that it would be possible to portbly write sg_dma_address()
> that want to return sg.dma_addr if that field exists, and
> sg.vaddr otherwise. This is of practical use because I would like
> to do the same thing for my proposed sglist.driver_priv{,_dma} fields.
>Huh? sg_dma_address() must return virt_to_bus() on non-IOMMU
>platforms. If it returned the virtual address that would be
>a BUG(). Why do you want to change radically the semantics of
>sg_dma_address() in such a radical way? It makes no sense.

You don't understand what I'm asking. On some platforms, such
as mips, there is no sglist->dma_address field. Instead sg_dma_address(sg)

#define sg_dma_address(sg) (virt_to_bus((sg)->address))

What I want is:
1. To do the same thing with sg->driver_priv, and
2. To not have to repeat the implimentation in n different
architecture files.

I would like something like this:

In include/asm-foo/pci.h.

/* Note that NEED_DMA_UNMAP_ADDR is different from NEED_SEPARATE_DMA_ADDR */

In include/linux/pci.h:

# define pci_unmap_len(PTR, LEN_NAME) ((PTR)->LEN_NAME)
# define pci_unmap_len_set(PTR, LEN_NAME, VAL) (((PTR)->LEN_NAME) = (VAL))
# define pci_unmap_len(PTR, LEN_NAME) (0)
# define pci_unmap_len_set(PTR, LEN_NAME, VAL) do { } while (0)

# define pci_unmap_addr(PTR, ADDR_NAME) ((PTR)->ADDR_NAME)
# define pci_unmap_addr_set(PTR, ADDR_NAME, VAL) (((PTR)->ADDR_NAME) = (VAL))
# define pci_unmap_addr(PTR, ADDR_NAME) (0)
# define pci_unmap_addr_set(PTR, ADDR_NAME, VAL) do { } while (0)

# define DECLARE_PCI_DMA_ADDR(NAME) dma_addr_t name ## _dma
# define PCI_DMA_ADDR(NAME) name ## _dma
# define PCI_DMA_ADDR(NAME) virt_to_bus(name)

> 3. Isn't the stuff about scatterlist->address obselete. I thought that
> field was deleted in 2.5.
>Yes, it should be killed, feel free to submit a patch.

OK. Will do when I get back from OLS.

>SLAB_KERNEL can fail for pci_pool_alloc as it can fail for
>kmalloc(...SLAB_KERNEL); What makes you think that pci_pool_alloc
>changes the well defined semantics of the SLAB_KERNEL flag?

> Do you understand that scatterlist.driver_priv{,_dma} is just
> a follow-on optimization of my proposal to turn struct scatterlist
> into a linked list, so that pci_map_sg &co. can be consolidated into
> the "mid-level" drivers (scsi.o, usb.o)?
>To be honest I think this is a horrible idea while we still lack
>generic devices. What about my SBUS scsi drivers, are they just sort
>of "left out" of your infrastructure because it is PCI based?

Oh, I would love to get rid of the struct pci_dev usage. In
fact, I had a version of that illustrative code that basically proposed
that (struct dma_device, dma_alloc_consistent, etc.). I am just trying
to make these change incrementally. Even without that change, moving
to an abstract dma_limits.

>Now is not the time for this, when we finally have the generic struct
>device stuff, then you can start doing DMA stuff at the generic layer.
>Until them you serve only to break things for non-PCI folks.

How does my proposal change anything for the non-PCI folks or
make it harder to abstract away from PCI?

I have to catch a plane to OLS now, so I may not be able to
respond for a while.

Adam J. Richter __ ______________ 575 Oroville Road \ / Milpitas, California 95035
+1 408 309-6081 | g g d r a s i l United States of America
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