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SubjectPATCH: kernel mount of initrd fails unless mke2fs uses 1024 byte blocks
Alan, Andries, IBMers,

Here are the documentation patches that relate to the initrd problem I
reported previously. (The mke2fs command had to specify -b 1024, or it
couldn't be mounted at boot time by the kernel.) This submission is against
the 2.4.18 kernel. If they're acceptable, I'll do another one for the
2.2.20 version.

There was a little bit of scope creep here. :) The instructions in
linux/Documentation/ said to run a spell-checker against the
file before submitting any patches for it. Clearly, that hasn't been done
in a while, so my patch also has miscellaneous spelling corrections in it
for things completely unrelated. After having spent a couple of hours
wading through the spell checking process, I can understand why it doesn't
get done much. :(

Finally, there were a couple of Linux/390 items that I thought could be a
little clearer, were wrong, or didn't exist at all. So, I've also submitted
changes for CONFIG_DASD, CONFIG_DASD_FAST_IO, CONFIG_IUCV, and a completely
new entry for CONFIG_LCS.

I tried to make similar modifications to linux/Documentation/initrd.txt, and
to /usr/man/man4/initrd.4, to try to cover all places someone might look if
they were having the same problem I did.

Please let me know if there's anything I need to correct, modify, whatever.

Mark Post

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