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Subject[ANNOUNCE] EVMS Release 1.0.1
The EVMS team is announcing the next full release of the Enterprise Volume 
Management System. Package 1.0.1 is now available for download at the project
web site:
Version 1.0.1 is primarily minor bug fixes for the previous version (1.0.0),
as noted below.

This release again contains an extra package for experimental File System
Interface Module (FSIM) support. Along with the libparted-based FSIM, there
is also a new JFS FSIM. The parted FSIM requires parted version 1.6.x, and
the JFS FSIM requires version 1.0.9 or later of the JFS utilities.

Highlights for version 1.0.1:

v1.0.1 - 5/8/02
- Bug fixes from 1.0.0
- RAID-5 size bug - math overflow bug in the engine when creating a RAID-5
with objects greater than 4 GB.
- RAID-1 engine discover - calculate size of a discovered region by getting
the appropriate superblock field, instead of looking at the size of the
consumed object.
- Volume rename bug - was not releasing old name from the engine's name
- BBR engine - always keep BBR tables up-to-date on disk for inactive
BBR objects.
- Drivelinking kernel - added size checks to I/O request path.
- Kernel compile - fixed compile errors for 2.4.9 and earlier kernels.
- Engine fault handler - fixed compile errors on alpha, mips, and sparc.
- Engine - get rid of unnecessary messages when reverting a compatibility
- Command line - corrected query for plugin extended-info.
- S/390 segment manager - engine seg-fault when displaying plugin details.
- Simplified engine build options
- Removed --with-evmslib_dir and --with-evmsheaders_dir, and replaced with
built in options --libdir and --includedir

Kevin Corry
Enterprise Volume Management System
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