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SubjectNULL pointer dereference when trying to mount nfs-root using 2.4.19-pre8
I have been playing around with nfs-root the last
couple of days, using 2.2.x kernels on the bootfloppy.
I only have 16mb ram in the diskless box, so I had to
compile a kernel with NBD to use for swap. I didnt get
this to work with 2.2 kernels, so I tried building
2.4.19-pre8. (Which I btw had to patch in nfsroot.c to
get compiled, I know this is known though)

I am _not_ using bootp/rarp/dhcp, but rather an ip on
the commandline to the kernel using lilo. I tried
configuring the kernel both with rarp support and

Anyway, right after printing the line "NET4: Unix
domain sockets ..." it Oopses, saying "cant handle NULL
pointer dereference at " and "process swapper (pid 1,

Then I also get "Kernel panic: Trying to kill init"

My 3c509 is up, the kernel prints "short UDP packet
recevied" every now and then if I let the box be up, I
can even ping the box after this Oops.

Any ideas about this?

John Bäckstrand
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