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SubjectRecent kernel SMP scalability Benchmark/White-paper References.
I was looking around on google web, google groups, lkml digests,, RedHat, SuSe,,, etc for some benchmarks of
recent 2.4.x kernels, say 2.4.x > 16, with references to SMP scalability
problems or successes, etc. Mainly centering around 4-way/8-way x86
testing in terms of memory bandwidth/utilization, threading performance,

I've not found much in my search so far, and thought at this point it
might be best to ask on this list to help shorten the search a bit, if
possible. Of the documents I do have, they're more marketing based and
not really *technology* based or touch very heavily as to generic
benchmarking of a standard Linux kernel on SMP.

I'm hoping to create a white-paper internally, and hopefully externally
at some point, which can be maintained so others don't have to do the
same arduous task of trying to find recent data as it pertains to said

Any help as to recent documentation of this nature would be *overly*

In addition to this info, I'm trying to gather information as it
pertains to the scalability of Linux kernels on 4/8-way x86 systems
versus Solaris Sparc 4/8-way systems with measurements of the same

I fear I'm searching for a document which does not exist. TIA.

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