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SubjectRe: Just an offer
At 14:01 17/05/02, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
>The remaining problem is how one trips a reboot if the remote machine
>doesn't come up correctly. That problem can be handled by temporarily
>changing panic() to a hard reset.

As long as you have a second machine colocated with the first one, you can
connect an optocoupler to one of the data lines on the parallel port of the
"stable" machine and to the motherboard reset connector on the "unstable"
machine. You then raise the appropriate data line on the "stable" machine
and lower it again (I keep it at high for 100msecs) and the "unstable"
machine is hard reset... So you just need an old 386 with a parallel port
and a network card that will never be reset and that can reboot multiple
machines (each data line can connect to another machine, etc...).

Best regards,


ps. Kudos for the idea go to Rogier Wolff and not to me... I just
implemented his idea locally and can only say it works wonders. (-:

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