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SubjectRe: Just an offer
On 17 May 2002, Halil Demirezen wrote:

> I wonder if there is a way of making the kernel decide
> whether it can boot successfully or not. For example, lets
> think of that i am compiling an update kernel not on the local
> machine but on any other pc using telnet or ssh emulators. And
> eventually it is time to reboot the machine and and run on the new
> kernel. However there has been an error during the compiling. - such
> as misconfiguration. Normally the machine will not boot and halt. So,
> is not there any way to reboot itself from the previous kernel
> after
> some time that it realizes it cannot boot properly. Maybe there is
> such
> a way. But, if not, this is an imaginary. Because i usually see these
> kind of problems ;)
> Bye.

Initially, I thought this was an dumb question, but it's not! If you
are doing a lot of work on kernels remotely, it just might be a
good reason to configure your remote machine(s) to boot off the network.

Then, since the kernel you are booting is local to your machine,
the boot-server, you can change it at will until you get it right.

The remaining problem is how one trips a reboot if the remote machine
doesn't come up correctly. That problem can be handled by temporarily
changing panic() to a hard reset.

Dick Johnson

Penguin : Linux version 2.4.18 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).

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