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SubjectUDMA Troubles and Possible Physical Damage?!
First off, sorry if this message looks messed up, work forces us to use 
Lotus Notes (Bah!)
and second off heres the system that causing me greif:

Duron 1GHz on an ACS Mobo with SiS Chipset. 100MHz FSB & 384 MB PC133
and a Fujitsu 30MB ATA100 Drive

I Just finished installing Debian - Woody, which installs Kernel Version
2.2.17 I Believe (I may be wrong there)

I installed and ran hdparm and after telling me that dma and all that
other good stuff was disabled it said "HDIO: Failed to check BUSSTATE"

i ran hdparm -c3 -d1 -X34 to try and get DMA Working... the command ran
fine but as soon as I tried to run another command (just 'ls' in fact) the
system Locked up Solid. upon rebooting my Bios didn't even Pick up the
Hard drive.. I did a Hard reset again and the Bios picked it up, then
reset again and it failed to pick it up again.. is it possible that I
Screwed up my motherboard or Hard drive somehow?

the on a side note, before attempting to use hdparm under the above
mentioned kernel, I compiled a custom 2.4.18 kernel, however it caused
even more problems with ide, a bunch of:

hda: dma_intr: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }
hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }

Flew by then it said ide0: reset: success, then locked up again.

if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.

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