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SubjectNovell ZenWorks and the GPL

Linux/GPL folks,

I have completed my review of Novell's latest NSS File System
(which I am busily reverese engineering) and their Novell Zenworks
management platform, and have come across an item I feel obligated
to report.

Novell is apparantly using a stripped down Linux kernel to provide the
imaging capability for their latest Zenworks release. I have spoken
to several Novell customers who verified Novell has admited to using
Linux as their imaging "engine" to install remote W2K and NetWare
server images to computers loaded with Zenworks. Reverse compile
of the software also leads me to believe they have modified NWFS
and are using it as well. I must say I am pleased to see Novell
take such an active and pro-Linux stance and actually use Linux
in a shipping product.

Unfortunately, I am completely unable to locate the source code
with all the wonderful fixes, enhancements, and new features
they have obviously added to enable this level of capability. Unless
I am mistaken, Novell is obligated to repost the full source code.
I will analyze and look over their website more closely, and it may
perhaps be I have missed the whereabouts of the source modules
in question.

Is anyone else aware of Novell shipping a Linux kernel as the core
engine in Zenworks?

Very Truly Yours


Jeff V. Merkey

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