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SubjectTrapping all Incoming Network Packets

I am trying to write a module that will redirect all the packets to my
recv routine, instead of going to the recv routines of the specific
protocols. For example, a packet with the protocol field ETH_P_IP should
come to "my_recv" before going to ip_rcv.

My restriction is I cannot add my own header. In other words, I cannot
register my own protocol handler and attach a header to each packet to
redirect it to "my_recv".

The option I figured out seems to be changing the function pointers, eg.
net_rx_action by my own net_rx_action at init_module time and restoring it
at cleanup. But since 2.4 kernel does not export any function to deal with
the data structures holding the function pointers, I am in a fix.

I look forward to some interesting suggestions about how to get around the
problem for 2.4 kernels.

-- pradipta.

NB. Plz say "yes" to the cc-option. Thx. :-)

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