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SubjectVFS mediator?
Dear all

In brief: a kernel module which "exported" VFS requests to a (specified)
user-space daemon would be useful. My particular application is a daemon
which generates files on the fly - I would like to expose this as part of the
filesystem. Ideally, the kernel module would deal with generation of fake
inode numbers etc and the user-space daemon would simply be asked to create a
pipe corresponding to a "filename" and (possibly) supply a directory tree.

Clearly, an application-specific module could do the job - cf NFS. But I am
not (yet) skilled enough in kernel development to know how, and it seems to
me that a "VFS mediator" module could simplify development of many
VFS-related applications (eg mounting ftp sites). Is there a kind soul out
there who has already done this, or is willing to undertake such a task?

Thanks for any input


Dr Jonathan Barker
EMBL-EBI Hinxton

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