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SubjectWelcome to DALnet!

You are receiving this message as part of an automated nickname
registration system on the DALnet IRC network. If you did not request
this service, you may simply ignore this message or see the end of
this e-mail for more information.

************ YOUR REGISTRATION IS NOT YET COMPLETE **********************

There are instructions in this e-mail for the final steps to finish your
registration. If you ignore this e-mail, your registration will be
purged. Please read this mail *thoroughly*.

By using the DALnet IRC Services you agree to be bound by its Acceptable
Use Policy. Please read this policy:

Please take a moment right now to write down your nick password.
The password you chose is: register


Keep in mind that it is YOUR responsibility to maintain the privacy and
security of your DALnet password and the e-mail address that you have used
to register it with. Should you at some point forget your password, you
may use the e-mail address you have given us to send the password to you.
(See /msg help sendpass for more info)

If you have an insecure e-mail address and wish to stop any use of the
SENDPASS command, you may use the MAILBLOCK setting.
(See /msg help set mailblock for more info)

CAUTION: If you turn MAILBLOCK on, you will NOT be able to recover your
password. If you use this feature, you must remember your password on your

If you ever need to change your e-mail address, please use the
'/msg set email <new-address>' command. It is
your responsibility to keep a valid email address with services at all
times should you ever need to recover your password.

DALnet has made a commitment to its users not to sell or
distribute any email addresses. For a detailed letter from DALnet's
CEO on the topic, visit


By using an Internet Relay Service such as DALnet, you are opening
yourself up to an entire world of people. Most of these people are good,
fun loving people who are great to chat with. Some people, however, do not
have the best of intentions. DALnet advises you to NEVER give out personal
information and NEVER download and use a file that you are not 100% sure
about. Below are links to some documents that will help you get accustomed
to life on DALnet and help you IRC more safely. It will be expected by our
staff that you have read each of these documents before you seek assistance.

General DALnet/IRC Tips -
Password Guide -
DALnet IRC Operators -
IRC Impersonators (Services & Opers) -
Managing IRC Annoyances -
Securing Windows Against Trojans -

These documents and more can be found @
And in a straight text format @


You have two choices on how to COMPLETE YOUR REGISTRATION:

The next time you are online you can send a special message to NickServ:
/msg AUTH plep 3533481014155153


You can follow this link and do it through the web:

That's it! After entering the above command or clicking on the
above URL, you'll be able to change your nick options, send memos
to other users, and make use of DALnet's registered user site at

Thanks again for making DALnet your choice. :)



If you simply ignore this e-mail, the partial registration will soon be
purged from our system. If the mail was a mistake by a user, you will
likely not receive anything else from us. If you find that you are
continuing to get mails from DALnet's registration system, or you believe
that someone is intentionally using misusing your address, please contact
our Services Abuse team at Please include a copy of this
e-mail when contacting them.

Registration At: Thu 02/14/2002 00:39:21 GMT
Registration By:


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