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Subject2.5 module loading problem data

I am enclosing some data which I hope will be of some use in diagnosing my
module loading problem. Feedback would be appreciated.

To recap: My laptop is a Compaq Presario 12XL325 with a PIII-650
processor. The ethernet card is a wireless SMC2632W PCMCIA card.

The tarball contains the following files

I started with the stock redhat kernel 2.4.18-18.8.0. I have installed
Keith Owens rpm of modutils 2.4.22-1

trace24-2422pcmcia - strace service pcmcia start
On a stock RedHat 8.0 system inserting the card starts the service, brings
up the ethernet device, and runs dhclient to get a dynamic ip address from
my router. I unloaded everything and issued the above command to
reproduce and trace the process. At the end, I had a fully configured net

trace24-2422orinococs - strace modprobe orinoco_cs
I downed the ethernet device and unloaded the orinoco_cs, orinoco, and
hermes modules. I then issued the above command and again, I ended with a
fully configured net connection.

I then installed mod init tools 0.9-alpha and rebooted into a 2.5.50 bk
kernel which had been compiled with all of the 2.5.50-patches you put up
on I booted with the SMC card already in the slot, but the
modules didn't autoload. I then inserted the required modules in order
and got the following strace outputs:

trace25-09apcmciacore - strace modprobe pcmcia_core

trace25-09ayentasocket - strace modprobe yenta_socket

trace25-09ads - strace modprobe ds

trace25-09ahermes - strace modprobe hermes

trace25-09aorinoco - strace modprobe orinoco

trace25-09aorinococs - strace modprobe orinoco_cs

trace25-09adhcp - strace dhcp
dhcp is a bash script which runs the following command:
/sbin/dhclient -1 -q -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient-eth0.leases -pf
/var/run/ -cf /etc/dhclient-eth0.conf eth0
(the above is all one line)

Hope this helps

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