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SubjectRe: [rfc] epoll interface change and glibc bits ...
Dan Kegel writes:

>> For example, sometimes TCP reads return EAGAIN when in fact they
> eek! Thanks for noticing that!

We aim to please.

In fact, it took me a long time to track this sucker down, so it's
good that I remembered before someone else got baffled.

This wouldn't be an issue if nonblocking reads or writes were
guaranteed to be uninterruptible even if on a "slow" device. But
that's a deeper change than just a bit of caution wrt EAGAIN, and this
is an area to monkey around in only very carefully.

Unfortunately, I never looked elsewhere for this style of error; in
the old epoll you could only epoll TCP sockets (maybe pipes too?). It
might even be present in TCP sendmsg; I don't recall...

Davide writes:

> I will not enable epoll fds to be stored inside another epoll
> fd. With limited numbers of fds poll scales good, and if you need to
> create a priority hierarchy, you can use a small poll set of epoll
> fds. This is a very corner case and I'm not willing to screw up the
> to to handle something that made 0.1% of users are going to do. It
> _can_ be done in other ways.

I'd vote for the "three levels, tops" approach, myself, but I suspect
that for now you are right and it will be simpler to just be
restrictive until we find a need and/or a good way to let epoll epoll
epoll. So to speak ;)

If we're bound to poll small sets of epoll fds perhaps a bit of
improvement in poll would be worthwhile. I should go look at my
profiles again; I've got a program which works this way because some
library code requires poll semantics and it's no good rewriting the

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