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SubjectRe: Distributed Linux
> As a graduation project i intended to make linux distributed 

This is what exactly openSSI project does.

>The processes would be dynamically migrated from one node to the other
>based on the selections of local process (candidate) and the remote

In the case of SSI the process to be migrated is selected by using
mosix algorithm. If mosix load balancer is not enabled automatic load
balancing doesn't work. But you can use the migrate() call with "best
node" argument so that the average load on the machine is used to
determine which node the process should migrate.

>The entire task along with its memory map will be migrated on to the
>other system

SSI even support mmap across cluster. That means you can even ask a
process that has done a mmap of file to migrate to another node.

>The guest system (where the process originated) would
>however have a pseudo process running on it, which would not take much
>resources but would help in handling various signals/

SSI support cluster wide signaling. That means you can send signal to a
process running on other node( you have cluster wide PID )

It also support cluster wide message queue, DLM , cluster wide device
access and cluster wide IP. The developers are working on cluster wide
support for semaphore shared memory

NOTE: it support three architectures. x86/IA64/Alpha


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