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SubjectPDC20276 Linux driver

I have a Gigabyte 7DPXDW-P, a dual Athlon motherboard whit a FastTrak
controller onboard and I found some difficulties installing the driver.
Kernel deviceses initialization recognise my PDC20276 controller and find
the disks connected (/dev/hde and /dev/hdg) and the array I made with them
(/dev/ataraid/d0 RAID1). I tryed to write in /dev/ataraid/d0 but after about
half a gigabyte written, the system stops to write and the process(es) writing
appare(s) in the outputo of ps with the flag D (IO waiting). After a lot of
tryes I tryed to write in /dev/hde and /dev/hdg at different times, but the
same thing happens.
Is the problem in the FastTrak driver, in the PDC20276 driver, or in my
Is there a known bug?
Do somebody has the same mothrboard and can use PDC20276? If yes, can u tell
me how to do?

How can I do to debug degug the ide driver or the PDC driver? Or What
documentation have I to read?

Thank you for your time,
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