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SubjectAlphaPC+Sym53c8xx driver failure
Recently I got my hands on a PC164LX system with a Symbios 53c810 
controller. One of the first things I did was install Debian
Woody on it, and it went on without too much fuss using kernel

Next thing I tried was upgrading to a 2.4 kernel. Currently I'm
trying 2.4.16; it boots to the point of scanning the Symbios
controller, then doesn't get any further (and no terribly
obvious error message either). After booting with
"sym53c8xxx=safe:y,verb:2,debug:0x1fff,wide:0", I got something
a little more informative...the controller gets to "command
processing suspended for 10 seconds" to "command processing
resumed" and finally to "queuepos=2"--and that's all she wrote.

I've dug up two separate options for supporting this controller
(sym53c8xx_2 and ncr53c8xx); both have about the same results.
I would think it's a hardware fault, but it works in 2.2.20?

2.4.18 and 2.4.19 did much the same thing when I tried them (they
failed in many other ways as well, but 2.4.16 doesn't seem to
hork on itself quite so much, just the sym53c8xxx driver).

"If a server crashes in a server farm and no one pings it, does
it still cost four figures to fix?"

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