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Subject2.5.40: aic7xxx on intel E7500 board does not work

I want to test the latest 2.5.40 kernel, to see what difference does it
make on latest hardware.
But, it does not boot for me. It comes to scsi, detects both channels, and
when it should start detecting disks, it outputs error messages. It works
fine on redhat's 2.4.18-10.

I went back to try if it worked on earlier kernels:
2.5.39 same problem
2.5.38 same problem
2.5.37 oops before scsi
2.5.36 oops before scsi
2.5.35 oops before scsi
2.5.34 'aic7xxx: interrupt while setup incomplete', works, oopses later at
2.5.33 a loop of oopsen very soon on boot

So it got broken sometime between 2.5.34 and 38.

Hardware: Intel's E7500 board (i think it's cw2, but not sure), dual
Xeons, HT enabled, 4gb ram, dual 72gb disks in raid1. Config and dmesg
from 2.4.18-10 attached.

If someone really wants to see the errors, i'll try my best to set up a
serial console on this board and capture them.


Jure Pecar[unhandled content-type:application/octet-stream][unhandled content-type:application/octet-stream]
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