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SubjectRe: [PATCH]IPC locks breaking down with RCU
Hugh wrote:

>I had toyed with the idea of never
>freeing entries once allocated, which is a similarly simple solution;

Not possible, the structure size for ipc sem depends on the number of
semaphores in the semaphore set.

Probably the best approach is to add a "deleted" flag into the ipc_id
structure, and to check that flag after acquiring the spinlock. And
perform the actual free operations for the ipc element in a rcu callback.
At which context do the rcu callbacks run? The semaphore sets are
allocated with vmalloc for large sets, and that function is only
permitted from process context, not from bh or irq context. According to
a comment in rcupdate.c, rcu_process_callbacks runs in a tasklet, i.e.
at bh context.

>I'm happy to be overruled by someone who understands these cacheline
>bounce issues better than we do, but nobody else has spoken up yet.
Are there any good documents about cacheline bouncing, or rules how to
reduce it?

For example, should a spinlock and the data it protects be in the same
cacheline, or in different cachelines?
I guess that "same cacheline" means that only one cacheline is
transfered if a cpu acquires the spinlock and touches the data.
But OTHO a spinning cpu would probably force the cacheline into shared
state, and that'll slow down the data access for the cpu that owns the


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