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SubjectRe: Wanted: Volunteer to code a Patchbot
> <deleted>
> That's the problem. I have seen at least two attempted starts on a patchbot
> and know of a third (Dan Quinlan was going to do something 1.5 years ago).
> So at this point I want to step out of this discussion. There is going to
> be no patchbot without a coder to write it, so why spend more time talking
> about it?
> </deleted>
> OK, on a less pessimistic note, I'll make a small effort to find a volunteer
> to code this, under advisement that it will be a thankless task (everybody
> will complain about everything) and may not even get accepted by Linus or
> anyone else (yes, and?). So here it is:
> Wanted: a scripting person who has a clue about MTAs and wants to
> contribute to the kernel. Please step up to the table over here
> and sign in blood, then we will tell you what your mission is.
> Nobody will thank you for any of the work you do or reward you in
> any way, except for the right to bask in the glory and fame of
> being the one who ended the patchbot wars. And maybe, just maybe
> get that coveted Slashdot interview.

I can help you.
I'm good in scripting and I know well the RFC{,2}82{1,2}. (But I think
we should not worry much about these RFC.)
Wanted: a good design. I've already tried to design such bot, but I never
found a good and clean way to improve development without to change much
of current behaviour.


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