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SubjectCurrent Reiserfs Update / 2.5.2-dj7 Oops
while booting 2.5.2-dj7 I get the attached oops when syslogd is loading.
The system only responds to sysrq so the oops is hand copied!
Last boot I had a very similar oops while starting proftpd, so it doesn't seem to be a syslogd bug.
My filesystem seems to be ok after booting a working kernel.
If you have any questions, suggestions, fixes, patches, ... ask me :)
c0190fdc T reiserfs_panic
c0191028 t print_leaf


Starting system log daemon...VS-500: unknown uniqueness 536870912
VS-500: unknown uniqueness 536870912
VS-500: unknown uniqueness 268435456
VS-500: unknown uniqueness 268435456
LEAF NODE (26720) contains level=1, nr_items=16, free_space=1452 rd_key
|##| type | key | ilen | free_space | version | loc |
0 | *3.6* [58952 21828 0x0 SD], item_len 44, item_location 4052, free_space (entry_count) 65535
mode | size | nlinks | first direct | mtime
0100644 | 3 | 1 | 2038999 | 1012397516
PAP-5580: reiserfs_cut_from_item: item to convert does not exist ([58952 21828 0x1 IND]) invalid operant: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c0191005>] Not tainted
EFLAGS: 60010282
eax: 0000005b ebx: c02b9640 ecx: 00000001 edx: 00000001
esi: x15a6800 edi: c15a6800 ebp: cdd95e80 esp: cdd95c30
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process syslogd (pid: 92, stackpage=cdd950000)
Stack: c02b819a c0351ba0 c02b9640 cdd95c54 00000000 00000000 c0198065 c15a6800
c02b9640 cdd95e80 ceece980 00000003 ffffffff 00000001 00001000 00000000
cdd95ed8 cdd95ed8 000028a3 cdd95c9c cdd95c98 00000ff8 00000001 00000ff8
Call Trace: [<c0198065>] [<c0198649>] [<c01893fb>] [<c018a65b>] [<c01335748>] [<c0132378>] [<c010864b>]
Code: 0f 0b 68 a0 1b 35 c0 b8 a0 81 2b c0 8d 96 cc 00 00 00 85 fb[unhandled content-type:application/octet-stream]
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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:15    [W:0.099 / U:1.184 seconds]
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